Hare's Fare Logo



HARE’S FARE MISSION: To promote healthy eating by offering tasty recipes for vegetarian and vegan cuisines. By choosing a vegetarian diet instead of one with animal products, individuals can dramatically reduce the amount of land, water and oil resources they consume and the amount of pollution they otherwise might cause.

VISION: To create an alternative to traditional meat based diets with more nutritional vegetarian meals. We see an increasing number of people who do not want animals to suffer or climate change to be an ongoing issue. They want to avoid preventable diseases and to secure a sustainable life for future generations.

Hare's Fare Mood Board


When developing the Hare’s Fare logo, we wanted to attract people who considered a vegetarian lifestyle. The idea for the branding came when searching the internet for information about being a vegetarian. The research produced troves of compelling information and recipes about a plant based lifestyle. This experience of jumping down the rabbit hole and finding delicious vegetarian foods can be, inspired the mark.


  • Introduce Vegetarian Benefits
  • The logo style is inviting and engaging
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Healthy Planet
Hare's Fare